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Update for March/April 2023

Welcome and thank you for checking out this update for March/April 2023! I know it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these and a lot of awesome creative stuff is going on. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes and I could not be more excited. A couple of weeks ago I reached out to artists on Twitter and found quite a few that wanted to work with me, they all had some great samples and professionalism. The next step will be to make arrangements with a few artists and get a few small comic stories going. 

At the same time, a couple of my long time good friends have wanted to start up the podcasts we have been talking about casually together for years. So I’m also in the middle right now of learning and relearning how to podcast, and getting into video editing, audio editing, setting up feeds and all that a podcast project will entail. Over the years I’ve accumulated a few bits of technology, like a microphone and a camera for my YouTube channel and have been researching and adding some new equipment (like more than one mic). 

Finally, I also have a very exciting short story due by the end of April and need to get on to final edits for that as well. I have other writing in the works,  like editing the older novel and writing a new one. One of my new year's resolutions as  a lifelong movie fanatic was to finally write and complete a script. 

All of this is awesome stuff to have on my plate, but along with all these projects comes  the  brutal  reality of startup business - contracts, learning time, paperwork. I’m  excited to do all that work too, but it does sadly take away from the creative time, and I am starting to understand even at my level in my writing career how much there is to be done. I’m hoping to post more here. My goal is that my website will be the official home of the podcasts and any other productions and plans I am  involved  in. 

For the next month my plan is to work on completing the projects I have deadlines for and to really get going on the podcast, YouTube and business side of Zack Ellafy Studio. To tease some upcoming posts, I will be doing a couple of fun personal lists; I also feel the site needs a free short story for everyone, and plan on working on that during April as well. There’s always something going on in my creative mind, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you so much for your support and  I hope you will enjoy these new projects, and others to come!

You Two In The Back Podcast! (Episode 1 available now!)

You Two In The Back Podcast! (Episode 1 available now!)

Early 2023 Update (Rest In Peace Ella Ellafy, Beloved Cat)

Early 2023 Update (Rest In Peace Ella Ellafy, Beloved Cat)