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You Two In The Back Podcast! (Episode 1 available now!)

You Two In The Back Podcast! (Episode 1 available now!)

We here at Zack Ellafy Studio are pleased to announce the arrival of a new podcast by Zack Ellafy Studios, called “You Two in the Back! (Your comic media guides)” featuring the work of Richie Stebbins and Zack Ellafy. “You Two in the Back”, is a commentary podcasts where your two hosts will sit and share their combined comic knowledge of 50 years to your viewing experience. Richie and Zack will delve into the times, the comics, the behind the scenes and anything and everything else they can think of, to help you (and themselves) enjoy rewatching or watching media based on comics. You can find all updates on and at the You Two in the Back Twitter and Facebook pages. You Two in the Back will be a monthly release podcast the second Friday of each month. You Two in the Back will be available at wherever you like to listen to your podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube (these are in the works as of today), or directly from the ZackEllafy.Com site. Also, as of this reading the first episode of You Two in the Back will be up! I will also provide the link here, and please share to your friends and family and anyone you know who loves comics and also the crossover of comic media. Everyone involved in You Two in the Back are excited and motivated to provide some of the best commentary podcasts around. Please join along for the adventure!


Zack and Richie

Last of the 80's Kids Podcast! (Episode 1 available now!)

Last of the 80's Kids Podcast! (Episode 1 available now!)

Update for March/April 2023