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Welcome to!

Welcome to! My name is Zack Ellafy and I want to thank you for coming to the website and checking it out. This new website is where I am hoping to be able to talk about my writing, projects, and my fandoms through the site. I plan on eventually adding free short stories, comics, having guest posters, video breakdowns, and many more ideas that are in my imagination. If you are reading this at launch, my intention for the next 14 days is to release one new post every day talking about writing, my favorite pieces of art from different mediums, comic book creating, movie making, and honestly anything else I think you might find interesting and something I would like to write about. If you are reading this sometime AFTER launch, then the ongoing plan is to post once a week from then until projects or more parts of the site are added, then Iā€™m hoping to write about those and get more notice as well. I also plan on starting a newsletter that you can sign up for and should come out monthly giving updates.

I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and since I could read (my very first thing I ever read was a comic), I wanted to be a writer. From a young age, my mother and family encouraged me to read and watch and consume art and media, and to this day reading is a huge part of my life. For over ten years, I was a co-owner of a comic book store and a couple of years ago I left that business to pursue my dreams of getting my writing published. Since I left, I have been working on short stories, articles, comic book scripts, screenplays and novels. Currently I am working on editing a novel, writing a second, working on comic scripts and ideas, and putting together a comic project (more about that to come once that gets going). I am also a life-long movie fan, and hope to do some screenplay writing, as well as fun and constructive editorializing on movies. Some of my favorite genres in any medium are sci fi, superhero, fantasy, crime and romance. I hope to work on many stories and ideas stemming from those huge and amazing umbrellas, and I hope you will join me for the ride!


Zack Ellafy

"At Mountains, Majesty", my short story is available now!

"At Mountains, Majesty", my short story is available now!