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"At Mountains, Majesty", my short story is available now!

"At Mountains, Majesty", my short story is available now!

As I am writing this, the publication of my first science fiction short story “At the Mountains, Majesty”, appearing in the Visions anthology edited by Kaye Booth, is now released! I wanted to give readers some information on where you can find the book and also a bit of detail about my story. First, you can pick up the book digitally and physically here. I was able to read some of the other stories and I think you will enjoy them as well. I am so happy this story is something I can share with everyone in my life and hopefully brings new readers into my circle.

The opportunity to publish “At the Mountains, Majesty” came about as a result of an open submission call for another anthology. I was intrigued and thought the submission’s prompt of mirrors and what you see in reflections would be a great jumping off point for another mix of characters and a setting involving a modern-day robot. Within a few weeks I had it written and had passed it along to Erica, my first reader, proofreader, and awesome wife. Once that was done, I submitted and waited. Sadly, after a few weeks, I was told while it was liked it couldn’t be included in that anthology. I thought the story was done and would eventually end up just as a free fiction here on this website, but days later, I received an email from Kaye Booth (who is one of the editors of the first anthology) asking if I wanted to sell the story to her anthology. After months and months of tweaking and hard work by Kaye, we are now here.

Lastly, I wanted to say some thanks. First, I want to thank my wife, family, and friends. They have had to put up with a lot over the years with both an artist and a small business man trying to survive in the same person. I’m thankful we are at a place we are at - because of all of you, I can now create art and hopefully put more joy, beauty, and fun out into the world. I want to thank Kaye Booth for all the hard work and labor she has done to publish the anthology, and balancing so many different stories and needs of the authors.. And taking from a hero of mine, Stephen King, I want to send a thank you to whoever reads this. Even if you only read the story and never know this website existed, I just hope you had a great time. I’ll put the links again at the bottom of this post, but wherever or whenever this message finds you, I hope it is well! Until next time!

Top 5 Personally Influential Comic Series and Storylines

Top 5 Personally Influential Comic Series and Storylines

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