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YouTube Channel Plans

It’s time to tell you my plans for a YouTube channel! With the launch of this website and the publication of my short story, and many other projects in the works, I wanted to also partake in the YouTube community. I’ve been a fan of the site since it launched back when I was in high school and I remain a big YouTube enthusiast even to this day ( while I write this, I am watching YouTube videos). One of my favorite things about YouTube is that it’s up to YOU to program what you want to watch, be it comics, or writing, or sports (or wherever your interests might lie). I always enjoy watching other fans of writing, writers, or book lovers talking about stories, and what it is about them they love. I want to contribute to that discussion. 

As an author with a YouTube channel, of course I want to use it for promotional use so that whenever I release new works, I can fill people in both on YouTube and this website. I also plan to have all different kinds of videos about art, comics, interviews and whatever else  – really anything else that can be related back to books. Some friends and I have had ideas for podcasts, so those will probably end up on my YouTube channel as well. But, my hope is to grow the channel to a point where I can host long form in depth conversations with all kinds of people from different walks of life who have found that reading and writing was paramount to their life and success. I think these would be fascinating conversations and a good use of YouTube to share these messages to a wider audience. 

After acquiring my equipment, I’m currently setting up the lighting and playing with the settings trying to get the best looking video before I start recording. I know that at the end of the day this is going to be a learning process, and I know my first video will not look as good as my later videos might, but it has been a fun learning curve so far. I want to try and start getting some series going regularly on my channel, but for now it is at the “just getting it up” stage – exciting nonetheless! I hope if you are a fan of mine, you will give my YouTube channel a try when I get it launched and of course, you should like and subscribe. . .  Don’t worry – if you are reading this, you will know as soon as it’s up!

My First Article!

My First Article!

National Novel Writing Month 2022