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New/Old Short Story Rework Update

I’m thinking of dusting off an old short story and trying to rework it and see if I can make it better. Over three years ago I left my ten-plus year career in comics retail, and during that time I spent weeks just writing like crazy. I wrote short stories, articles, comic ideas, script ideas, podcast ideas, and more. Looking back, I think I used writing as a way to loosen the valve of anxiety and tension that built up over time in retail. Some of the stories I thought were fun, some were bad, and one has always stayed with me. In trying to reread it I found it wanting, but I still feel today that the idea was a good one. So, my plan for it is to reread it and rework the idea, even from scratch if needed. I hadn’t written a novel or been published when I first wrote the story, so I already know I can do a better job this time around. I think my plan is to work on the rework of the old story while working on a new short story during the upcoming fall and winter season. I’m still working on revising my first novel, working on a second, and also working on a National Novel Writing Month project. I really enjoyed the experience of publishing my first short story - I want to do it again, and would love to get more stories into people’s hands. I know this post is short but hopefully gives you an idea of where I am at in the process of bringing stories to life, and I hope you see this story one day, whether in an anthology or published here!

Five Personal Influential Directors

Black Adam Review (Non-Spoiler)

Black Adam Review (Non-Spoiler)