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New Godzilla Movie in 2023!

A new Godzilla movie from TOHO Studios has been announced for November 2023! Why am I talking about Godzilla news on this website? Because I am a HUGE Godzilla fan and when I was a kid before I could read - before my comic love, Star Trek/Wars love, Sci Fi, Fantasy love, all of that which I am now a fan of - there was Godzilla. I picked up a VHS copy of Godzilla, King of the Monsters with Raymond Burr in a Walmart, watched it and was hooked. Back in the day it was a search and grind to hunt down Godzilla movies, and even though we were poor and didn’t buy a ton of new movies, Godzilla movies were an exception. I remember opening up the Yellow Pages and calling around the state of Colorado to different Suncoast stores (which of course no longer exist), calling them again and again to see if they got new Godzilla movies in. Now, in 2022, Godzilla movies are available to stream or buy on a variety of media platforms. 

Over the years I never lost my love for the big G, but started to grow my other interests like comics and writing. When I saw Pacific Rim by Guillermo del Toro, it reopened my mind to that world. Shortly thereafter, the Legendary Godzilla trilogy began, and the last TOHO Godzilla film hit theaters in 2016. It’s been many years since any announcements for a new movie; the fans have only heard whispers of a shared universe, new villains, and revamps of old ones. Then, for the Godzilla Birthday this November 3rd, they announced the new film with a promo image, and Godzilla fans rejoiced. 

It means a lot to me as a diehard Godzilla fan to keep the love and the stories going for these characters. The stories I was exposed to as a kid were imaginative, crazy over the top, and sometimes just wacky enough to work. Godzilla is a great example to me of how creators’ passion for a character and a universe can inspire others. So to see that the legacy of Godzilla will continue is something I just had to shout out on my website. I can’t wait to get a group together and stand in line and talk Kaiju while waiting to see the newest Godzilla movie – it’s going to be great!

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