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Life Update/Year of The Banks

Hey fantastic and amazing readers. Just a quick pop in to let people know I found out my father passed away back in Egypt a week ago. This year has been a roller coaster and beating me up pretty good truth be told. Because of that I’m going to push the Year of the Banks posts by one month. I still am loving and enjoying the always there vibe it has been so far this year reading and appreciating his work. So the plan is too still go forward but look for a new post on that next book at the end of next month.

Therapy has been going well and that has been a journey. Learning more and more about myself and my past each time and finding it illuminating and fascinating. Hard work, intense and emotional but still. Thank you to all who read and check out my website and I can’t wait to make new things and talk to more incredible people and have good times. That’s the chill plan for the year anyway. Thanks again.


Consider Phlebas (Year of Banks #2)

Consider Phlebas (Year of Banks #2)