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Friend of the Site : (Millennial Milk Toast)

Hey everyone! Hope everyone has had a good holiday season! This year has been kicking my butt. I’m hoping since its almost over and the new year is upon us, I can get back to some work and new projects. I wanted to take a minute today to highlight one of my oldest friend’s website. He has been writing on it for a little bit and recently wrote about one of our favorite directors John Carpenter. Please follow his fun writings as well and I think in the future there maybe even crossover. Here is the link for the newest post and I will add the main page to his website below and on my site as well. Short post today but hoping to put up my top five personal favorite films of 2022 on Saturday and started work on some exciting things! Hope the rest of your 2022 is well!

A Sci Fi Memory

2022 Writing Wrap Up Post