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Five Personally Influential Movies

Everyone loves movies! Here is a list of five films that have stayed with me over the years and are a yearly viewing. These films have always given me something new to see or to understand in their storytelling, or have helped me through hard times. These are films I will never stop watching.

Saving Private Ryan: This film has been a staple since the first time I rented it on VHS from Blockbuster. My family gathered around the TV in the 90s for the only time the film aired in its entirety uncut on ABC and it’s a film I have owned on every form imaginable - VHS, DVD, Blu Ray, 4K Blu Ray, and now digital. If you have never seen this war epic, it is not for the faint of heart, but the messages behind the ugly carnage are just as profound and beautiful. I have rewatched this film every year and always find something new in the writing, the directing, the acting, or the history of it all. I consider this to be one of Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg’s best movies.

Blade Runner: This film was another rental from Blockbuster back in the day, and my first viewing of it was overwhelming. I remember loving the acting and the atmosphere, but the philosophy of it went over my head. I have kept revisiting this film over the years with the different cuts; as I grew older, it became a yearly watch along with its sequel Blade Runner 2049, which I usually watch back to back with the original. I think since this film is still being discussed and loved and debated and shows that something in this film will stand the test of time in my opinion .

Gladiator: I first saw this film on a trip to the theater (growing up, movies in the theater were few and far between). My mother took me to see this and ever since, I have always loved this Academy Award winning film. The grandeur, the acting, the directing, and the story of how it came to be made have become an influence on my creative process. If you don’t know that backstory, the film didn’t have a finished script for filming. This movie was made with heart, passion, love, craftsmanship, but without a full plan in place, and it nevertheless came out a great piece of movie art. This movie has so much to give to the history of movies, with how it was made, to how it became a cultural and award winning hit. 

The Godfather: Having this movie on a list of best movies feels like a cliché, but the amazing work on all levels of this movie make it truly a classic of cinema on my list. My first memory was the entire family huddling around the TV to watch the epic Godfather saga - we rented all of the films in the saga and spent a weekend watching them. That memory keeps me constantly revisiting the films again and again. Like Gladiator, the story of the film's creation and the behind-the-scenes insanity with everyone involved makes it a creative influence for me to this day. The filmmaking behind the movie is immaculate, and as a lifelong fan of movies, I find this film is truly a classic.

Mad Max Fury Road: This film is the newest addition to my list. My first viewing was taking my then girlfriend (now wife) to see the movie in theaters. I didn’t know what I was in for walking into that theater and I still remember feeling dizzy walking out from all the action. The repeat home viewings have made this rise and rise through the ranks of movies to a top influential film for me. I had gone into it as a Mad Max fan, and learning more about the creation of this universe by George Miller, from the production design to the lore behind all of it, has been interesting. His simple yet effective way of conveying deeper meaning through a simple plot has made this an easy watch and rewatch for me. During the scary year of 2020, I watched this movie more times than I could count, and I still watch it when I need a good action movie or stimulation from all fronts. Mad Max Fury Road is just the ticket for that. 

I hope you enjoyed the list above, and if any of those films sound interesting and you haven’t seen them, I highly recommend giving them a try and maybe someday one might be on your list.

2022 Writing Wrap Up Post

Five Personally Influential Writers