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Feelings With My Short Story Out

I don’t want this post to be too self-congratulatory. I’ve understood for a long time now that to make it in the arts, it’s going to be a long haul and something I must commit my life to. There is no one project, movie script, or short story that will be my end all; I have to continue to try and get better through reading and writing. But as of this writing, I have just heard word that one of my short stories I had written last year has been purchased for a sci fi anthology. I will of course post more information when I get it, and still have to work out all the legal and back room details, but as someone who has always wanted to be a writer, I am elated. I have dreamed of this day since I was a child picking up books from the school library, or going with my mom on our monthly outing to the bookstore (which was all that we could afford for many years of my life). I know it is only one story and my goal is to continue to get better and to write an even better story the next time. I have really enjoyed the writing process on this story from drafting to editing, and can’t wait to hear more from a professional editor.

I wish there were some people from my family who were still with us to see this, especially my mom. She instilled the love of reading into me and she always had a book in her hands. Even though we were poor, one of the small rooms in our small 1950s era house was a mini library piled high with romance and history books. I would love to be able to give her a copy of this book when it comes out – it’s one of the reasons I felt I needed to write this post.

I don’t want to go on too long about it but if you are reading this and want to entertain, write, create, whatever it is…keep at it. I remember getting published in my high school newspaper class and loving that, and even with some detours along the way (starting a business and running it for years with some awesome guys), I’ve refocused on pursuing my dream of writing. This is only the first step but it’s a step I’ve wished for for a long time. So, thank you to anyone on the journey that has given me kind words or words of encouragement.

I was asked recently what’s my new goal now that I’ve gotten something professionally published, and my answer? I’ll do it again.

PS. The short story is out now and can be grabbed here. I am so excited with the reaction. This website is now up, setting up a Youtube channel and of course the writing continues! Thank you!

Two Fold Advice

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