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End of 2023 Update!

Hello friends! It has been so long and many apologies. I’m hoping this update will be the first of many, and will give you a sense of what’s been up this year and some of my early plans for next year. First up, the world of entertainment kind of shut down for many months because of strikes. And while I am not currently a part of any of the groups involved in those strikes, I’m hoping someday to get the opportunity to apply, so I’ve limited my commentary in support while strikes were taking place. Also this year has been rough personally. The year has been full of stress, new worlds opening, and mental health struggles. No worries on that front - I am looking for help for that in 2024 as well, but it is a part of the picture. Finally, launching my podcasts this year took up some additional time and thought and while I enjoy every minute, it adds up!

My plan in 2024 is to kick things into higher gear and to finish some of the projects I have worked on this year. I also want to work more on furthering my career by seeking an agent, completing more projects and jobs, and hopefully even have a few signings. No matter what, I'm planning on trying to get healthier, happier and have more fun. What does that look like here for the site? Well, the podcasts will continue to be made and put up, we are also working on more shows, and live streams and other ideas we have so please check those out if you haven’t already (and if you have, thank you!) My plan this year was to embed more free and awesome content and give anyone who has been reading this site and continues to read this site a thank you. I have planned to put a year-long spotlight in 2024 on a wonderful but I feel less known author in many circles; if one other person reads and loves something someday because of the spotlight, I’d love that. This year I was able to finally get a camera, so I plan on making shorts and all kinds of content with that as well. I plan to do A LOT more writing all around, between editing older stuff, finishing new books, new stories, new comics, and much more. I want to put spotlights on books, comics, movies, and art that speak to me to share it with more geeks and nerds who may also appreciate it. So many ideas and plans are happening behind the scenes.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to the people who have been supporting and giving me help during some of the scary and dark and weird times we all seem to be living in. I couldn’t do any of this without you, the ones who are in my life telling me to keep going and the awesome friends from online. Again, thank you. I hope to have an update and wrap up post once a month talking about the ideas ahead, and what was accomplished the previous month. Look for the first update in January. It means a lot and let’s continue on to 2024!

"The Year of Iain Banks" 2024 Spotlight Author

"The Year of Iain Banks" 2024 Spotlight Author

Denver FanExpo 2023

Denver FanExpo 2023